Sunday, December 7, 2008

"Promoting Your Blog"

From the essay in Dispatches.

This essay actually relates to my research topic, since I'm looking at celebrity gossip blogs. The first things I notice in Dispatches is something I have observed by following Perez Hilton: a well-promoted site updates frequently, has quality material, and, because of it's reputation for speed and quality, gets linked to by other blogs and sites. This is undoubtedly why Perez Hilton is so popular: his business embodies all of these qualities, and combats the #1 problem with having a successful blog-- getting noticed. Fortunately for Hilton, celebrity blogging is a popular topic for people to follow, unlike the "niche" topics described in Dispatches. Another aspect I recognize is the power of "keywords" so that people notice and search engines pick up these different or strange classifications. Hilton's site offers "Music Minute" for music updates, "Photoshop Awards" for celebrities on magazines or promotional ads, "Icky Icky Poo" for subjects that aren't socially acceptable for most people, "Anglophilia" for posts on British celebrities, and so on.

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